#TheDowntowners’ Ultra Miami Survival Guide

March 11, 2024 · 3 min

Hi Feasters,

Whether it's your first or millionth time time preparing for Miami Music Week's festivities, it's always important to reacquaint yourself with the basics... which is why we've compiled a list of our top five tips before heading into the busy week.

Stay Hydrated

Passing out from dehydration is not hot. That’s why it’s absolutely essential to properly hydrate. For starters, it’s recommended that you drink at least two liters of water before heading out into the Miami heat, where you’re bound to lose water from all the walking, jumping, dancing, and whatever else you're doing on festival grounds. Yet the hydration precautions don’t stop upon entering the event. No, no, no, Feasters! You also need to make sure you’re getting enough water during the event - especially if you’re sipping on sweet alcoholic beverages. Of course, there’ll be free bottles given out, but if you are really in it for the long haul, you’ll bring a hydration pack to keep you going all night.

Bring Batteries

Listen, we get it. Battery packs can be big and bulky and the last thing you want to put in your little fanny pack. But trust us, you’ll seriously regret not listening to us when you’re filming your favorite DJ and mid-performance your phone gives out on you. How will people know you went to Ultra then? What will you have to show for yourself? Exactly. Save yourself the headache and bring a portable charger. 

Pace Yourself

This is a marathon, not a sprint, Feasters. While it may be ever-so enticing to go all in right away, we’re here to tell you not to feed into the temptation. Let’s just say it’s a surefire way to leave you exhausted and out of money, since you most likely won’t return the following day. Instead, enjoy the moment - within limits - so you don’t miss out on all the fun. 

Protect Your Ears

We don’t mean to scare you, but Ultra is loud - like could cause hearing damage loud. So, in the spirit of safety, we highly recommend bringing earplugs so we don’t have to scream at you in 10, 20, 30 years for you to hear us. 

Recover & Recharge at Julia & Henry’s

As we have established, Ultra Weekend can completely take it out of you. Luckily, from 12pm to 4pm on March 23rd and 24th, Julia & Henry’s is giving out free Celsius and hosting Drip Hydration who will be bringing IV therapy drips and special recovery shots to keep you energized and feeling your best all weekend long. 

Staying groovy, 
